Thursday, September 18, 2008

Alan Jackson

Here i am with our free tickets!!!

My mom and I sitting at the concert.
Also in August i won Alan Jackson ticket but the sad thing is Shea was going to be out of town so i took my mom. We had a really good time and got to meet some very colorful people. The concert was in Vegas. We did some shopping and had alot of fun getting away from cedar for a few days.


Liz Prisbrey said...

What?! This concert was in Vegas! I don't remember seeing you! haha... :-)

Hey, I found your blog through Shallon's. I'm going to link you.

That is the first picture I've seen of your wedding dress. It's beautiful. Or, you make it beautiful! Love it!


Gene and Silvia said...

Did you have a good time at the concert? Loved the pictures that your Mom blogged at the Pumpkin Patch :)